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 As Augustus Comte (1798-1857) stated:

To understand a science, it is necessary to know its history.

The History of Geology Group (HOGG) was inaugurated in October 1994 in order to advance the study and understanding of the history of geology.

HOGG is open to anyone interested in the heritage and development of geology and geoscience.

HOGG is affiliated to the Geological Society of London but it is not necessary to be a Fellow or associated with that Society to be a member of HOGG

Members are from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of interest.

Variously, they are inspired by or curious about and enjoy learning or finding out about the events, personalities and achievements that have influenced the way geology was (and is) understood, studied represented and practised.

HOGG organises several events and meetings each year. Presently these are held online. The format of online meetings varies, with some arranged as one-hour events and others organised as a symposium.

When it was safe to hold communal events, meetings were held in a range of regional locations and also London. Many meetings had field trips associated with them. We hope to resume something of this pattern when public health conditions are conducive to create a safe environment for members and guests to meet, although we are likely to continue with some online activities.

Membership includes free access to all our online events, a regular HOGG Bulletin, listing news of events (HOGG and associate societies) and other items likely to be of interest to members, two newsletters a year and enrolment on our discussion list, a lively forum for matters relating to the history of geology. Click to join here.

HOGG is managed and run by a committee of its members; officers on the current committee are:

Chairman: Duncan Hawley
Secretary: Martina Tully
Treasurer: Peter Riches
Newsletter Editor: Peter Lincoln
Ordinary members: Cynthia Burek, Tim Carter, Jill Darrell, Stephen Donovan, Andrew Hopkins, Cherry Lewis, Consuela Sendino

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