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The History of Geology Group


Watercolour sketch of a Geological Society meeting in progress at Somerset House, probably by Henry Thomas De La Beche, c.1830. The sketch is drawn as if from behind the Presidential chair. Several geologists can be identified: seated farthest away and wearing spectacles is Henry De la Beche, next to him is Roderick Impey Murchison with John Phillips. Across the table are George Bellas Greenough, William Fitton, Charles Lyell and William Buckland. Image courtesy of the Geological Society of London

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AGM and online talk

The AGM will commence at 13.00 hrs for about 30 minutes. It will be followed by an online talk ‘...

Meeting saturday 2

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Meeting 01



Field Meeting: Malvern Rocks: geology in a Victorian health resort

The rocks around Malvern have long challenged geologists. Studies and discussions in the C19th, both by nationally renowned geologists and...

A.C. Ramsay: insights into mid-19th century geology from his papers

Andrew Crombie Ramsay (1814-1891) was one of the most prominent British geologists of the mid-19th century. He rose from relatively...

Field Meeting: Malvern Rocks: geology in a Victorian health resort

with Tim Carter and local experts The rocks around Malvern have long challenged geologists. Studies and discussions in the C19th,...

A.C. Ramsay: insights into mid-19th century geology from his papers

Anne Barrett Andrew Crombie Ramsay (1814-1891) was one of the most prominent British geologists of the mid-19th century. He rose...

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AGM and online talk

Meeting saturday 2

Meeting 01


Past Meetings

The ‘Discovery’ of the Silurian: following in the footsteps of Murchison.

Geological drugs and prophylactics – discovering how knowledge of geology was used in the past to prevent disease and protect against ailments

The history of petroleum exploration: evolving technologies based on a handful of underlying principles.

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