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The History of Geology Group

HOGG Membership

Membership of HOGG is open to anyone interested in the history of geology.

You do not need to be a Fellow of the Geological Society of London.

Membership is £15 (Ordinary member), or £5 for those aged 30 or under (Young Member).

Membership runs from the date of acceptance of application. All renewals are due annually on 1st January.

Members joining after 1st October in any year are not required to pay a subscription for the subsequent year.

Both categories of Ordinary member and Young member, receive reduced rates at all our meetings, three newsletters a year and enrolment on our discussion list where you can talk to other like-minded individuals, get help with your research or seek advice on matters relating to the history of geology.

Membership also supports HOGG as a body that advocates for the importance of the history of geology, especially in conservation of, and public access to, artefacts or sites that have played a particularly important role in the development of geology as a science.

If you would like to join HOGG or renew your subscription you can do so by clicking on the appropriate button below. Alternatively, download the application form and send it with a cheque for £15 or £5 (as appropriate) to the address on the form.

You can also pay by standing order, which saves HOGG’s scarce resources so, if you are willing to pay your subscription by this means, please download the application form and complete the mandate at the foot of the form.

Become a Member of The History of Geology Group

Stay updated and join our organization where you can have the latest research and findings of the exciting science of Geology, meet colleagues with the same passion and interest and exchange ideas and insights together. Membership includes:

Free access

Free access to all our online events

Reduced rates

At events, conferences and meetings.


Listing news of events (HOGG and associate societies) and other items likely to be of interest to members.


The members’ magazine GeoHistories is now (since 2021) published twice a year in place of the earlier Newsletters. In addition, a regular emailed Bulletin is sent to all members and associates.


A lively forum for matters relating to the history of geology.

Have access to our private area where you will find studies, links of interest, and our extensive archive.

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