King of Siluria: How Roderick Murchison Changed the Face of Geology – John L Morton

JMorton-KING OF SILURIA-cover_300 by 300From joining The Geological Society in 1825, Roderick Impey Murchison became its President only seven years later! He went about his investigation of older rocks in Wales and Eastern Europe with boundless energy and was the first to differentiate and name the Silurian, Devonian and Permian periods of geological time.

After extensive research, John L. Morton has presented Murchison’s remarkable life-story in detail on 276 pages, and included forty illustrations, sixteen in colour.

Brocken Spectre Publishing, 7 Windmill Close, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 6BY

( (++44) (0)1403 261304            

ISBN 0-9546829-0-4

UK £12.99   / USA $22.99

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