Strata: The Remarkable Life Story of William Smith, the Father of English Geology – John L Morton

William Smith was the first man to realise that rock strata extended right across the country – that fossils found in Dorset were the same as those in Yorkshire because the rocks were of the same age. In 1797, he drew up a list of twenty-eight rock strata beneath the town of Bath from the […]
King of Siluria: How Roderick Murchison Changed the Face of Geology – John L Morton

From joining The Geological Society in 1825, Roderick Impey Murchison became its President only seven years later! He went about his investigation of older rocks in Wales and Eastern Europe with boundless energy and was the first to differentiate and name the Silurian, Devonian and Permian periods of geological time. After extensive research, John L. […]
King of Siluria: How Roderick Murchison Changed the Face of Geology – John L Morton

From joining The Geological Society in 1825, Roderick Impey Murchison became its President only seven years later! He went about his investigation of older rocks in Wales and Eastern Europe with boundless energy and was the first to differentiate and name the Silurian, Devonian and Permian periods of geological time. After extensive research, John L. […]
The Making of the Geological Society of London – CLE Lewis and SJ Knell (eds), 2009.

Founded in 1807, the Geological Society of London became the world’s first learned society devoted to the Earth sciences.
Continental Tectonics and Mountain Building: The Legacy of Peach and Horne – R D Law, R W H Butler, R E Holdsworth, M Krabbendam and R A Strachan, 2010.

The world’s mountain ranges are the clearest manifestations of long-term deformation of the continental crust.
Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Saurians: A Historical Perspective – R T J Moody, E Buffetaut, D Naish and D M Martill (eds), 2010.

The papers in this collection go beyond the familiar tales about famous ‘fossil hunters’ and focus on relatively little-known episodes in the discovery and interpretation (from both a scientific and an artistic point of view) of dinosaurs and other inhabitants of the Mesozoic world.
The Life and Work of Professor J.W. Gregory FRS (1864-1932): Geologist, Writer and Explorer – B E Leake, 2011

Gregory’s remarkable career and his scientific work are detailed and critically assessed.
Military Aspects of Hydrogeology – E P F Rose and J D Mather (eds), 2012

This book contains 20 papers from authors in the UK, USA, Germany and Austria.
2012 December – Piltdown: 100 years on

One hundred years ago, Piltdown man was revealed to the world at a packed and excited meeting at the Geological Society of London on 18 December 1912. It was hailed as a very early species of human – possibly even a missing link between man and ape that Charles Darwin had predicted. It was of […]
2011 April – Geological collectors and collecting

HoGG conference on Geological Collectors and Collecting, held at the Natural History Museum London in April 2011. For abstracts and programme click here.