King of Siluria: How Roderick Murchison Changed the Face of Geology – John L Morton

From joining The Geological Society in 1825, Roderick Impey Murchison became its President only seven years later! He went about his investigation of older rocks in Wales and Eastern Europe with boundless energy and was the first to differentiate and name the Silurian, Devonian and Permian periods of geological time. After extensive research, John L. […]

King of Siluria: How Roderick Murchison Changed the Face of Geology – John L Morton

From joining The Geological Society in 1825, Roderick Impey Murchison became its President only seven years later! He went about his investigation of older rocks in Wales and Eastern Europe with boundless energy and was the first to differentiate and name the Silurian, Devonian and Permian periods of geological time. After extensive research, John L. […]

2012 December – Piltdown: 100 years on

‘Discussion on the Piltdown Skull’ by John Cooke (ref: GSL/POR/19) from the archives of the Geological Society of London

One hundred years ago, Piltdown man was revealed to the world at a packed and excited meeting at the Geological Society of London on 18 December 1912. It was hailed as a very early species of human – possibly even a missing link between man and ape that Charles Darwin had predicted. It was of […]

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