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Aspects of the History of Coal and its Mining

Thursday 22nd November 2018 (including HOGG AGM 2018)
Burlington House, Piccadilly, London

Registration Details
Please register your place here.
Alternatively, you can download a booking form here.

The topics to be presented relate to coal mining and its exploration. The meeting also marks the end of the Geological Society’s Coal Geology Group.

The registration fee for HOGG members, GA members and GS fellows is £45.00. The fee for non-members is £55.00. The fee includes a buffet lunch, teas/coffees, and abstracts of all presentations.

Tea, coffee and pastries will be available before the start of the meeting.

The HOGG AGM will be held at 12.50hrs during the lunch break.


10.00 Introduction – Geoffrey Walton
10.10 The Coal Acts 1938–1943; the forgotten nationalisation – Richard Trounson
10.50 Development and decay in British opencast coal-mining – Geoffrey Walton
11.30 The evolution of coal-mining in the Far East – Larry Thomas
12.10 BUFFET LUNCH for registered attendees (including HOGG AGM at 12.50)
13.30 The mountain that moved—how Aberfan dethroned King Coal – Ted Nield
14.10 Local geologists on the Great Northern Coalfield, 1790–1840 – Leucha Veneer
15.10 Coal mining subsidence: some aspects of its history – Alan Cobb
15.40 James Bateman Longmire (1785–1858)—the mining engineer who went to Russia in 1817 to look for coal, instead of William Smith – Hugh Torrens
16.25 GENERAL DISCUSSION to include long term legacies.


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AGM and online talk

Meeting saturday 2

Meeting 01


Past Meetings

The ‘Discovery’ of the Silurian: following in the footsteps of Murchison.

Geological drugs and prophylactics – discovering how knowledge of geology was used in the past to prevent disease and protect against ailments

The history of petroleum exploration: evolving technologies based on a handful of underlying principles.

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