Open Meeting

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Date: 9 May 2018

Location: Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly.

Convener: Chris Duffin

Price: £40 (members) / £50 (non-members)

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The History of Geology Group (HOGG) has hosted several successful past Open Meetings. Free from the constraints of a particular theme, such meetings give an opportunity for sharing research which may be preliminary, obscure, or highly topical – but always of interest! We are very grateful to those who have offered the contributions which make up this year’s programme – a wide-ranging one that should have something to suit most people’s tastes.

The programme comprises twelve papers which range in topic from geological maps, through Antarctic exploration and geophysics to fossil vertebrates, early geological collections and the birth of plate tectonics. This promises to be an interesting and stimulating day.

The conference registration fee includes the programme (for approximate timings, see below), lunch, refreshments and abstracts of all presentations.

9:30-9:50         Registration

9:50-10:00       Welcome, Housekeeping and Session 1 – Chair : Tom Sharpe

10:00-10:25     Duncan Hawley – Rudler of Aberysytwyth and the 1853 geological map of Ireland

10:25-10:50     Leucha Veneer – Specimens and Speculations: William Daniel Conybeare’s ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs

10:50-11:15     Mike Howgate – Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, James Tennant and the commercialisation of Dinosaurs

11:15-11:45     Coffee

11:45               Session 2 – Chair : Chris Duffin

11:45-12:10     Derek Morris – Joseph Banks and Geology on Cook’s First Voyage

12:10-12:35     Tom Sharpe – The scientist most to be pitied: geology on the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914-17

12:35-13:00     Phil Stone – The geological legacy of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition, 1902-1904

13:00-13:45     Lunch (provided)

13:45               Session 3 – Chair : John Henry

13:45-14:10     Consuelo Sendino – Sloane : The British Legacy

14:10-14:35     Chris Duffin – Glossopetrae

14:35-15:05     Coffee

15:05               Session 4 – Chair : Tom Sharpe

15:05-15:30     Brian Roy Rosen – The man who ‘knew so much’: an iconography of Arthur Holmes’ prescient representation of the Himalaya-Tibet orogeny in successive editions of his ‘Physical Geology’.

15:30-15:55     Richard Howarth – The enigmatic Robert J. Adcock and the Figure of the Earth

15:55-16:20     John Smallwood – Early field measurements of Earth’s mean density

This year’s programme – a wide-ranging one that should have something to suit most people’s tastes – comprises twelve papers which range in topic from geological maps, through Antarctic exploration and geophysics to fossil vertebrates, early geological collections and the birth of plate tectonics. This promises to be an interesting and stimulating day.

Price: The fee for members of HOGG, GA and GSL is £40.00. The fee for non-members is £50.00.



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AGM and online talk

Meeting saturday 2

Meeting 01


Past Meetings

The ‘Discovery’ of the Silurian: following in the footsteps of Murchison.

Geological drugs and prophylactics – discovering how knowledge of geology was used in the past to prevent disease and protect against ailments

The history of petroleum exploration: evolving technologies based on a handful of underlying principles.

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