HOGG online lunchtime talk: William Buckland: glacial impressions

Thursday 11th March 2021 13.00-14.00hrs

This lunchtime event, starting at 1pm, will comprise three 10-15 minute presentations about different aspects of William Buckland’s involvement in supporting the idea that a massive ice “nappe” had covered much of the northern hemisphere, postulated to the Geological Society by Louis Agassiz in1840.
Talk 1. Costume of the Glaciers: just a groovy cartoon? by Duncan Hawley.
Talk 2. A case of mistaken identity by Tom Sharpe.
Talk 3. Teaching glaciation at Oxford by Susan Newell.
Each talk will be followed by a short time for questions and discussion.

Admission tickets can be booked via Eventbrite.

Free admission to HOGG members (via members’ exclusive code)

Non-members are welcome to attend for a small charge of £5.


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AGM and online talk

Meeting saturday 2

Meeting 01


Past Meetings

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The history of petroleum exploration: evolving technologies based on a handful of underlying principles.

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