Revisiting Ardnamurchan

  In 1930 James Richey and Herbert Thomas, working for the British Geological Survey, completed their mapping of Ardnamurchan, one of four extinct volcanoes on Scotland’s northwest coast that mark the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean 60 million years ago. Their meticulous work revealed that indeed it was an ancient volcano, with the famous […]

Geological Society Founders’ Day Lecture

This year Dr Cherry Lewis, HoGG committee member, will give the Geological Society’s Founders’ Day Lecture. Hogg members can attend the lecture free of charge. Her talk entitled James Parkinson and the Founding of the Geological Society will be held at The Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly on Wednesday 13 November, 2013. 17.30         Tea & coffee 18.00         Lecture […]

The Evolution of Creationism

In a recent issue of GSAToday Dave Montgomery of Seattle has written an excellent short account of the history of Creationism. Following all recent scholars like Ron Numbers he traces the roots of Young Earth Creationists (YEC) to about 1900 in the Seventh Day Adventist church, rather than presenting the view that it is a […]

William Boyd Dawkins, geologist & cave hunter

As part of Manchester’s Science Festival, HOGG Secretary, Leucha Veneer, will be giving a talk on the curator and cave hunter, William Boyd Dawkins (1837-1929). Boyd Dawkins found and recorded tools from Neolithic and Bronze Age man in the caves of Cresswell Crags, a limestone gorge honeycombed with caves. Using his knowledge of geology from […]

Hugh Torrens wins IUGS Tikhomirov award

Emeritus Professor Hugh Torrens has been awarded the inaugural V. V.  Tikhomirov Award for the History of Geology. The Award is one of the new  IUGS Scientific Awards of Excellence which have recently been established  to reward outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance or contribution to the Earth Sciences. Each IUGS […]

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